
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Cara Saya Mengajukan Banding Adsense dan Diterima Google

Mengajukan Banding Adsense

Kemarin dapat surat putus cinta dari GA bahwa blog reot ini di disambel google adsense (ad serving has been disabled to your website). Ga syok amat sih coz ane nyadar blog ini emang ada konten yang nyrempet-nyrempet konten itu tuh.hehe. 

Kemudian iseng coba-coba banding alasannya di banned sendiri karena pelanggaran soal konten unik, relevan, penempatan iklan, dan ga bermanfaat bagi pengguna.

Berikut email lengkap dari google:

This message is to alert you that one of your websites is not currently in compliance with our AdSense program policies and as a result, ad serving has been disabled to your website.
Issue ID#: 22344167
Ad serving has been disabled to:
Action required: Check all other remaining sites in your account for compliance.
Current account status: Active

Violation explanation

It is important for a site displaying AdSense to offer significant value to the user by providing unique and relevant content, and not to place ads on auto-generated pages or pages with little to no original content.

Your site should also provide a good user experience through clear navigation and organization. Users should be able to easily click through your pages and find the information they are seeking.

Please review Google's Webmaster Quality Guidelines ( ) for more information.

Action required: Check account for compliance
While ad serving has been disabled to the above site, your AdSense account remains active. Please be aware that the URL above is just an example and that the same violations may exist on other pages of this website or other sites you own. Therefore, we suggest that you take the time to review the rest of your sites to ensure that they’re in compliance with our policies, and to monitor your sites accordingly to reduce the likelihood of future policy emails from us. Additionally, please note that our team reserves the right to disable accounts at any time if we continue to see violations occurring.

If you wish to appeal this disabling then you can do so by using the Issue ID listed above to contact us via our Help Center:
Thank you for your cooperation.
The Google AdSense Team

Surat Naik Banding Google Adsense
Langsung dah ane broswing cara mengajukan banding google adsense dan nyasar di thread ini Doski juga kena banned dan mengajukan banding dengan bahasa Inggris dan ane rubah sedikit surat banding doski jadi gini:
I've made ​​some changes to my website, including the following:
1. as written in a letter warning that the following post "http://sigitpriambodo." problematic, and therefore I have edited the content.
2. I have reviewed the entire post on my site (sigitpriambodo. and has edited several posts to better comply with adsense policy.
I hope the appeal is accepted and still give me chance for my site to approved again.


Berhubung dulu pernah banding dan di tolak jadi ane ga berharap banyak so cuma mengedit postingan yang melanggar program GA seperti disebutkan di atas dengan menambah sedikit kata-kata, kalo di hapus gimana gitu coz postingan tersebut paling banyak ndatengin trafik. Lagian pendapatan adsense ane dari blog reot ini perbulannya juga tidak seberapa. hehe

Setelah halaman yang melanggar kebijakan program ane diperbaiki langsung dah ane mengajukan surat banding di form yang sudah di sediakan..

Surat Cinta yang di tunggu-tunggu
Jreng-jreng setelah dua hari dag dig dug menunggu hasil peninjauan Tim GA, hari ini dapet email dari google bahwa banding ane di terima:
 Mengajukan Banding Adsense
Thank you for making the requested changes to your site in order to comply with our policies. After thoroughly reviewing, we have now re-enabled ad serving to this site.
Because ad serving to your site was temporarily disabled, you many notice a delay of up to 48 hours or more before ads begin appearing on your site again. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
The Google AdSense Team

Please take 2-3 minutes to provide feedback on your latest interaction with our support team here: AdSense Policy Survey.
Your feedback is important to improve our products and services. Thanks in advance.

Syukur Alhamdulillah. Google bikin ane nangis terharu..hehe. Iklan GA pun nangkring lagi di blog reot ane. Yah semoga kedepannya hubungan percintaan ane ma google semakin mesra dan meskipun blog ini rawan kena jitak lagi namun ane berharap ga di sambel lagi sama GA. Amiin. 

Semoga postingan tentang pengalaman ane Mengajukan Permohonan Banding Adsense kali ini bermanfaat buat agan-agan yang lagi berjibaku naik banding sama Google Adsense. Kayaknya mudah cuman sedikit edit konten yang melanggar udah di approve lagi, tapi sepertinya ane cuma lagi beruntung coz kan sekarang GA lagi Ultah ke 10 Tahun jadi lagi baik hati dan tidak sombong. hehe.

Buat sobat semua tetep semangat bro, optimis kalo banding blog kita diterima Tim GA.:) Happy blogging..Salam.


  1. gan isi bandingnya gimane gan soalnya ane belum diterima bandingnya. please share
    di email


  2. Tergantung gan..kalo email dari google pakai bahasa indonesia bandingnya pakai bahasa indonesia, kalo surat bandingnya pakai bahasa inggris bandingnya pakai bahasa inggris.
    Kata-kata banding ane simpel gan kayak yang ane tulis di atas..

  3. alamat bandingnya apa tetap di, dengan cara langsung di reply surat putus cinta dari googlenya?

  4. wah beruntung sekali ya gan, doain semoga banding ane diterima, udah 4 kali ditolak mulu, mungkin bahasanya terlalu muluk-muluk, hahaha :D

  5. Perlu dicoba nih mas, GA ane juga didisable nih :v

  6. Saya punya cara agar cepat diterima Google Adsense nih gan!
